Anyone who is running a business knows that the typical 9-5 just doesn’t cut it. There are many different hats that you wear as a business owner. Not only are you trying to convert leads and make sales, but you are also looking at all other aspects of the business. This can include the accounts (yuck!), customer service and marketing. A business owner is responsible for all these parts of their business and ensuring that they get done. Marketing is an important part of running a business; without it, you are potentially losing a lot of customers and sales. A strong marketing strategy is the way forward to build your business. So what option do you have? Suck it up and drink multiple cups of coffee a day until it’s done?
As much as I love coffee, it’s probably not the best way to run your business. However there may be a solution for you. Outsourcing is becoming more and more popular within businesses. But how do you know when it is time to outsource your marketing?
Your marketing isn’t getting done
One of the easiest indicators that it might be time to outsource your marketing is the simple fact that it is not getting done. If you have an idea, plan and strategy for your marketing, that is a great first step. But if it isn’t getting done, it is not going to benefit your business at all. Outsourcing your marketing means that you know it is getting done and getting done effectively. A marketing specialist is in business for exactly that. Getting it done for those who can’t do it themselves.
Running a business isn’t something you can typically do in a few hours a day and there have probably been plenty of all nighters or really long days that you have already endured – so you absolutely get it! The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you need to be doing that, or if you can outsource and ensure everything is getting done. More hands on a project will not only ensure it gets done, but that it gets done well, in the best way to have a positive impact on your business.
You aren’t sure what you are doing
It is okay to admit that you don’t understand every aspect of running a business. Successful business owners normally still have areas within the business that they do not fully understand. This does not mean that you are failing as a business owner, it shows that you are strong enough to admit that you need help. Rather than spending hours sitting at your computer trying to come up with a marketing design and strategy, outsourcing or getting a little kick start from someone in the industry may be the best option for you. Leave it to someone who understands the in’s and out’s of the industry and what needs to be done to create a successful marketing campaign for you.
Your business is suffering
If you are spending hours each day at your computer trying to put together your next marketing campaign, who is looking after your customers? Who is making sales calls and converting leads?
When you went into business, I take it one of your goals was to be successful? And although a good marketing strategy will help you achieve that, it can not happen only if your time constraints mean you are neglecting other areas of your business.
The client-facing side of your business is the most important part of it. If you disappear from that due to being stuck behind a computer – what are your clients going to think? Both existing and potential clients may be turned off if there is not clear and regular communications coming from you.
Your business is your baby and it needs to be nurtured. By choosing the areas that you can nurture yourself and those that are better looked after by someone else, it can be the best decision for your business.
You are suffering
The most important reason that I recommend outsourcing is when the business owner is starting to suffer. Your business may be your pride and joy, however at what expense?
Running a business should not mean that you are missing out on family dinners. Or aren’t able to catch up with friends on the weekend. And it definitely shouldn’t mean that your mental or physical health are starting to suffer.
Many business owners who are trying to tackle everything themselves will at some point suffer from stress, anxiety or burn out.
By outsourcing different tasks within your business, it means that you are able to get some of your time back. You can leave the office on time and enjoy a hot family dinner. You can put the computer away and head out for a few drinks with your mates on the weekend.
Outsourcing can help you to feel more in control within your business and that you are actually working towards moving forward and growing your business.
Marketing is an important part of any business, but if you are suffering and not able to give your business the support, dedication and time that it needs – your marketing efforts will go unnoticed. Your health, well being and lifestyle are the most important factors you need to consider. Because at the end of the day, without you – there is no business.
How do I get started?
Outsourcing can be a scary thought. The idea of letting someone else into your business. Letting someone else take the reins on a part of your business can be something people struggle with. But it doesn’t have to be scary or full on. Take the time to find someone that you trust. Someone who knows what they are doing and has the best interests of your business as their goal. By building a relationship with someone and knowing that they have the same work ethic as you will make the process easier.
Together you can discuss the needs of the business and how best to implement a new marketing strategy. They will be able to go in and implement it all, give you your time back and help to relieve the stress that is associated with your marketing OR they may be able to map out a plan and give you a little crash course in what you need to do, essentially helping that mental block so you can sit down and get back to doing some of your marketing yourself; only with a lot more direction and a fresh set of eyes!
Now; how many cold cups of coffee have you had today? It is time to start considering outsourcing?